WL Week
WL Week
Monday, February 14, 2022 | 6th of Adar I 5782
To view more information/registration page, click on the program below.
February 2022 | Shevat / Adar I 5782
Friday / Sat
18 19
Makom B'Yachad 12PM
25 26
Makom B'Yachad 12PM
February/March 2022 | Adar I / Adar II 5782
Friday / Sat
Masorti Women Study, Reflect and Pray in Our Challenging Times - Sunday, February 13th @ 12 noon ET
Click here to see the full program
Lectures are available in Hebrew, English, Russian and Spanish
Don't waste another minute before registering for this final regional event! You won't be sorry!
Women’s Masorti Online Study Days
Day 2 / Northern Region
Sunday, February 13th
12:00 Noon - 2:55 PM ET
Because the study days are on Zoom, you can choose to participate in sessions both days. In order to help the organizers, please reserve your choice of sessions now.
If the button feature doesn't redirect you,
below are the direct links to register. You can use either:
World Wide Wrap - Sunday, February 13th [All Day]
A Five-Week ‘Crash’ Course on Tefillin for the World Wide Wrap
Sunday, February 13th
Prepared by
Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
WLCJ Executive Director
Tefillin 101
If you and/or your sisterhood would like to participate,
FJMC members and affiliated synagogue Men’s Club members can register here. Learn more about Tefillin 101 by reading Executive Director Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields’ updated guide to wrapping here !
Tefillin 101 – Week 5
I hope you have enjoyed learning about
and that you will join your community’s World Wide Wrap on Sunday, February 3, 2019, or any day but Shabbat and Festivals, to enjoy the
of donning
There is so much to know and learn about
Over the course of these past five weeks, this is just a small amount of the great amount to learn about
and the many customs and traditions surrounding the
To continue reading, click here .
World Wide Wrap 2022 Video
Importance of Tefillin - See many familiar faces
Empower yourself in Jewish tradition by participating with WOW in World Wide Wrap 2022.
Sunday, Feb. 13
Jaffa Street 33, Jerusalem
Click here to RSVP
WOW Merchandise
All prices include regular shipping (with tracking, 2-4 weeks). Express shipping costs an extra $20 per item:
Four Mothers - $250
Garden of Eden - $225
Spirit of Israel - $250
Siddur - $36
Challah Cover - same design as our Garden of Eden tallit - $72
Consulting Services Workshop #2 : Exploring Leadership - Tuesd ay, February 22nd @ 7 PM ET
Renee Ravich
Consulting Services Chair, Sisterhood Support Chair
Looking for new leadership for your Sisterhood affiliates but not sure what to do? Women’s League is offering two workshops presented by our Consulting Services team and open to all members. The first workshop took place o n January 9th.
A Women's League training program to support all regions and Sisterhood affiliates by the Consulting Services of WLCJ.
2nd Workshop: Exploring Leadership -- Finding alternatives to the traditional leadership structure.
It will take place on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 7:00 - 8:30 PM ET.
Margie Miller , WLCJ Nominations Chair and Immediate Past International President, is teaching this workshop.
Health & Wellness - Thursd ay, February 24th @ 8 PM ET
Please join us Thursday evening on February 24th at 8:00 PM ET for our Health and Wellness Women’s League Program.
Our topic in conversation will be: “ What Every Woman Should Know about Cardiovascular Diseases ”.
Speaker: Dianna Milewicz, MD, Ph.D of the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, President George H.W. Bush Chair of Cardiovascular Medicine
Vice Chair, Department of Internal Medicine
Director, John Ritter Research Program
Director, Division of Medical Genetics
Director, Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP)
More information to follow. In the meantime you can RSVP to join the program below:
Jews in Film - Somewhere Over The Rainbow Series 2 of 3 - Monday, February 28th @ 3 PM ET
Jews in Film, a Women's League education program; Somewhere over the Rainbow – The Jewish Connection to Movie Musicals of the 1930s.
Join Lois Silverman as she presents how Jews and their music have influenced American music and especially American musical theater. This truly American art form attracted the talents of the greatest songwriters of the pre-rock era who between them wrote the musical and lyrics for practically all the great musicals of the ’30s and ’40s.
For more information, go to: https://www.wizevents.com/register/7940
WL Reads - Sunday, March 13th @ 2 PM ET
WL Reads Co-Chairs
Merle Carrus
Please join us Sunday on March 13th at 2:00 PM ET for our WL Reads Program.
WL Reads co-chairs Merle Carrus and Susan Farber will be interviewing Julie Zuckerman , author of The Book of Jeremiah .
More information to follow.
Sustainability: Today, Tomorrow, and L'Dor V'Dor - Tuesday, March 29th @ 7:30 PM ET
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Corinne Hammerschlag
Environment Co-Chair
Lymor Wasserman
Environment Co-Chair
Programming Idea of the Week
Kahilati, Jewish Experience in Argentina
with Jessica Cymerman
Jessica Cymerman is a professional Jewish Argentinian Tour Guide, specializing in all aspects of Jewish life, past and present, in Argentina. In May 2020, Jessica began presenting (virtually via Zoom) sessions that delve into Argentina, Judaism and Jewish experiences.
Jessica is inviting our community to explore Argentina's Jewish life and history together. Some of her topics, which Jessica will happily customize for your Sisterhood Affiliate, include:
To continue reading, click here .
Women's League Archives
Women’s League Archives: Join Us in Our Quest!
Exciting things are happening with our Women’s League archives. The Board of Women’s League voted to permanently loan our archives to the Jewish Theological Seminary. This is fabulous since it will insure our historical items will be stored and catalogued properly and will be more accessible to our members as well as the public.
During the next few months, we will be transferring all of our archival material (and there is a lot) to JTS. And you can help! We want to make sure we have everything needed from Women’s League international, our branches and regions to tell our story. Do you have hidden away somewhere meeting minutes, branch/region directories, brochures, newsletters, event information, memorabilia, creative handcrafts? Photographs?
We are asking you to search through your files, albums and boxes of materials and gather them together. Please label the pictures with a date, what event, who the people are, and where are they. Please label other items with their story (if not told in the item). For questions, contact Cory Schneider .
Thanks in advance for your help!
Also, watch for information on three new How to Live Forever zoom presentations: Collecting and Organizing Your Sisterhood Archives , Collecting and Organizing Your Region Archives , and Writing Your Organization’s Story .
Women's League Resolution 2022
Upon reading the Women's Health Resolution, please cast your VOTE. To vote, click on the button below and it'll take you to a doodle website.
All you need to input is your name and email to cast your vote.
Karen Cuker
Public Policy & Resolutions Co-Chair
Marlene Oslick
Public Policy & Resolutions Co-Chair
To the Membership of WLCJ,
The Resolutions and Public Policy Committee has approved the following Women’s Health Resolution (2022) . This resolution passed the WLCJ Executive Committee and was offered to our membership for comment in WL Week. The Resolutions Committee, which drafted this resolution, reviewed all the member comments and made some changes and clarifications which the committee deemed appropriate and which enhanced the spirit of the resolution.
Now we are asking the 40,000 members of WLCJ to vote yes or no on this resolution . If passed, this resolution becomes an official position of Women’s League and a part of our historical archive.
Further, our hope is that our Sisterhoods will develop programming and projects inspired by this resolution.
Please take a moment to read the WLCJ Women’s Health Resolution (2022) and VOTE .
Thank you,
Marlene Oslick and Karen Cuker,
Public Policy & Resolutions Co-Chairs
Jewels in the Crown Returns to Convention 2023
Jewels in the Crown is an opportunity for your Sisterhood to be honored for exceptional programming and participation. See below for information and application.
For more information: jewel@wlcj.org
Weekly Words of Torah
Parashat Tetzaveh Exodus 27:20-30:10
Haftarah: Ezekiel 43:10-27
- February 12
, 2022
This week’s parashah begins with the commandment for the priests to light the menorah in the Tabernacle daily in perpetuity. This is followed by a description of the garments the priests and high priest would wear when serving in the Tabernacle, as well as the instructions for the consecration of the altar on which they would offer sacrifices. Next God gives instructions for the consecration of the priests, including multiple animal sacrifices. Finally, there is a description of the altar for burning incense.
The haftarah , written during the twenty-fifth year of the Babylonian exile, is a later prophecy of Ezekiel; the Temple had been destroyed approximately fifteen years earlier. The prophet gives hope to the nation by outlining the details of a future Temple to be constructed in Jerusalem, but only on condition that they show remorse for their previous sinful behavior. The prophecy includes the detailed measurements of the future altar, followed by the components of the dedication ceremony for that altar and the priests; animal sacrifices will continue for seven days, after which the altar will be consecrated for regular service. The passages from the Torah and the Prophets both begin with the word אתה, you—God addresses both Moses and Ezekiel, charging them to deliver a message to the nation.
The clear connection joining the parashah and the haftarah together— b'yachad —is the plans for the consecration of an altar (which doesn’t yet exist) and the priests who will offer sacrifices on that altar. The word “consecrate” appears five times in Exodus in reference to the cohenim (priests) (28:41, 29:9, 29, 33, 35) and once in Ezekiel (43:26) in reference to the altar. Both texts involve sacrificing multiple animals, including a bull whose blood is used to purge the altar by placing it on the four horns and base of the altar. Both the Tabernacle and the Temple were holy places ( קדש קדשים Ex. 29:37, 30:10, Ez. 43:12) where God promised to dwell on earth.
Today there is not one single place where Hashem dwells. Pirkei Avot tells us that when two or more of us come together to study and pray—that is where God can be found.
Makom B'Yachad
Want to sing, teach, help with technology, and more during Daily Psalm Study, and Kaddish?
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
12 PM Noon ET; 11 AM CT; 9 AM PT; 10 AM MT
The Rabbinical Assembly - Preorder
Coming soon from the Rabbinical Assembly: A new edition of Megillat Esther ! Newly translated and interpreted for the 21st century, this Hebrew-English edition draws on traditional sources, contemporary scholarship, and deep insights from Conservative rabbis to bring the megillah to life.
The discount code is WLCJPURIM
Megillat Esther: The Book of Esther features:
The Hebrew text of the megillah
An expanded narrative translation (by Rabbi Martin S. Cohen) that evokes the playfulness and allusiveness of the megillah
A second, contextual translation (by Rabbi Pamela Barmash) that draws on contemporary scholarship in Biblical Hebrew to capture the literary style and linguistic connotations of the Hebrew text
Thoughtful essays on each chapter of the megillah that unfold its literary and religious meanings
Insightful comments on selected verses by a diverse group of Conservative rabbis, including Rachel Ain, Jacob Blumenthal, Neil F. Blumofe, Analia Bortz, Susan Leider, Zachary Silver, Amy S. Wallk, and Yonatan M. Warren
Blessings to be recited before and after the public reading of the megillah on Purim, as well as the accompanying evening ( Arvit) service from Siddur Lev Shalem
By bringing multiple voices and interpretations to the Book of Esther, Megillat Esther reflects the rich diversity of people and approaches that characterizes Conservative Judaism. This innovative book will yield fresh insights and enhance your experience of Purim year after year.
Preview chapter 1 of the megillah here .
Megillat Esther: The Book of Esther , edited by Martin S. Cohen. List price $15.00, discounted price of $10.00 for RA/CA/USCJ or bulk orders of 50+
Now available for preorders here . Books will ship in February 2022. Purim is March 17-18.
Ongoing WLCJ Happenings
The cost for the weekly questions email and hard-cover book is currently $99. For more information and to receive a $10 discount click below:
Women's Leag ue for Conservative Judaism gets a donation by using the link .
Cory Schneider
Archives Chair & Consultant
Past International President
Administrator, Torah Fund Legacy Society
Stock the Shelves
Your contribution will help reduce food insecurity among our neighbors. Check with your local pantry for other suggestions.
Debbie Bettan
Social Justice Project Chair
Karen Block
Social Justice Co-Chair
Ardis Wexler
Social Justice Co-Chair
We brought back the WLCJ App.
It's available for download on all devices (iPhone/iPad/Google Play/Android).
February 2022 Corrected Calendar Diary Pages
Upcoming Sisterhood Calendar Events & WL Groups to Join
North Atlantic Region
Tour Jewish Harlem on Zoom
Sunday, Feb 27 - 7PM ET
Email Audrey to RSVP
Florida Region
Mid-Atlantic Region
9th Annual Open a Book...
Open Your Mind for 2020-21.
NOW until April 2022
Admission is $18 per author
American Mothers of Olim GoogleGroup
Contact Ellie Kremer ,
the WLCJ Israel Committee Chair by text or email: ellieventnor@gmail.com .
Previous WLCJ Programming
Weren't able to join us? Visit our Youtube Channel for more videos. View our past recordings.
Tell us about YOUR Sisterhood
event coming up!
News from Seminaries WLCJ Supports
The Transformative Power of Grief; Our Opening Season; Torah Study in Our Beit Midrash; and More
Only a few spots left for February in-person art classes
Schechter's Winter 2022 Hybrid and Zoom Courses
Torah Fund eCards
Additional Opportunities
50th Anniversary Mission to Israel
The Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center - July 11-17, 2022
This coming July, Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center welcomes you back to an open and thriving post-pandemic Israel for an educational, inspiring, and unforgettable week-long mission where we will put our Jewish identities FRONT AND CENTER. For Itinerary and Registration: https://fuchsbergcenter.org/IsraelMission/
Valley Beit Midrash - February through March 2022
The Significance of the Mitzvot of Purim in our lives today
Thursday, March 10
9:00 am - 10:00 am MST
Non-member: $18
Presented by
Rabbanit Sharona Halickman
A Virtual Tour of the First Jewish Community in North America!
Thursday, March 24
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PDT
Non-member: $18
Presented by
Janet R. Kirchheimer
Suffer ing Servants! How to Deal with the Missionary at the Door
Thursday, April 7
11:00 am - 12:00 pm PDT
Non-member: $18
Presented by Rabba Dr Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz
Devorah the Prophet: A Model of Leadership Irrespective of Gender
Thursday, May 5
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PDT
Non-member: $18
Presented by Rabbi Dina Najman
More events, go to: https://www.valleybeitmidrash.org/upcoming-events/
WLCJ | 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 820, New York, NY 10115